Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Principle Behind 3D Glasses

3D Glass
Presence of any object or image on a screen is perceived by the brain from the light reflected by it and received by the eye as stimuli in the human visual (neural) system. The human visual system basically splits the reflected light into three components corresponding to blue, green and red regions of the visible spectrum.
Also it is possible to produce any color just by mixing/ controlling the relative intensities of RGB
Hence these three colors are quantified in terms of tri-stimulus values
In order to generate an illusion or impression of real space (both area & depth) of an object or image in a two dimensional projection, 3D Glasses are used which is accomplished with the principle of binocular vision.
Principle of 3D

Basically the two eyes of the human visual system placed apart ( about 5cms) perceive the image/object from different positions  angles in turn causing response or stimuli as two different images of the same object in the neural-visual system of the brain.
Binocular vision in our brain uses the difference to calculate the distance/depth and has the ability to correlate the images it sees in its two eyes even though they are slightly different. In the binocular system the same seen is projected simultaneously from two different angles in two different colors usually red and cyan (or blue or green). In order to see things in 3D each eye must see a slightly different picture.
The brain then puts the two pictures together to form one 3D image that has the depth eventually generating a 3D-expression. 3D Glasses any two of the primary colors (RGB) one for each eye, so that the intensity of the third color can be inferred from the difference between total light of the image/object and the some of the intensities of those two colors. Then finally the two colors get the complete information on color of the object/image to be seen through the 3D Glasses.

                                                                                            ( Ranjith Baskaran )

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